Friday, 25 April 2008

All you need is a Yoga Truck

I haven't been able to post something the last two weeks because i had very little time to do so (learning dialog, anatomy test, a CPR test and 2 make-up classes on sundays) I'll just shortly list some of the things that have been going on here.

Two weeks ago we started with posture clinics (basically practicing how to teach; you perform your studied yoga-dialog, and get feedback from experienced teachers)
The whole group has been divided in to 16 seperate groups to speed up the process, also nice because the training became more dynamic; you get to know people better, perform your dialog, and do some yoga postures for others to deliver their dialog)
In the beginning it has been especially interesting to see how different people all have their individual way to react to the unpleasant situation of not knowing, or not recalling the dialog; laughing, crying, nervous tics, inner anger; you really get to see people; what kind of shell they've build around themselves, we all have have our ways.

As for me it's quite an experience to learn how to fill a room with my voice, projecting to a group of 30 people (in a commanding way), is not something i am used to do very much.
The feedback we get, is given by teachers who are teaching for quite some years. One of the reasons this particular training is so succesful, is because the previous trainees, now teachers, come back training to teach the new.
They "very much like to be in service" is what i hear from most of them. This alone just says enough, since most of them are here completely voluntairly. Some teachers stand out because of their great teaching, others bring their life's experience, telling their story and how the yoga changed their lives.
For example Charlie, a New York fireman, retired at September 10th 2001, lost numerous colleges, friends and neighbours the day after. This of course had an overwhelming impact on his life causing anger, confusion and depression. Doing the yoga and teacher training eventually allowed him to accept the situation and forgive the people who responsible. It's just one of the numerous stories on how the yoga is able to transform peoples lives.

Last week's friday we were set free from the tight scedule we run here (of yoga, lectures and posture clinics) At the end of class we were treated with "All you need is love" from the beatles, Just image 300 people, getting to their maximal physical, mental, emotional level and beyond, hearing that song after they are told they have a whole free night! An amazing atmosphere which really gave me a sence unity and a smell of where this whole thing is headed.

The week following supposed to be the week were the yoga truck was going to hit us, just at the moment you think you could cross the street easily... It was a hard week indeed, although not exceptionally harder then the previous weeks. We especially went through a lot of posture clinics, finishing triangle pose on friday which is quite fast compared to previous trainings. One amazing teacher (Jim from San Diego) arrived this week and taught / lectured us about Bikram, Yoga and being a yoga teacher, which was really inspiring to listen to.

Today (monday 5/5) Bikram arrived back in Acapulco after his 2 weeks travelling to LA, Hawaii and Japan. After this mornings class Craig announced that Bishnu Gosh's son, Bikram's good friend, died today. Although because of this we get the day off, everyone just left yogaroom with a rather sad expression on their face.

It's amazing how fast the weeks go by; due to the busy scedule they just seem to fly by like days. There's actually no time at all to stop and even think what's going on, creating a rather pleasant "forward" mode of focussing straight ahead, keep forgetting and eventually only living in the present moment, there's just no other way here.
Staying in this hotel for 2 months gives us the immediate status of a "Platinum Presidents Club Member", which is pretty cool and gives all kinds of extras. It's funny to have this luxourious resort as the background for the intense teacher training; on fridays a lot of people arrive here for their holliday and on mondays, a lot of them leave again, going back home. This whole hotel industry just seems to be running alongside with our little more permanent stay.

Tormorrow the training will resume again and with Bikram being back, i expect it's going to be an intense, late night- week again, i'd better take my chance an do some studying on this free day to stay ahead in posture clincins. Below a mexican road, Sarah (world champion 2nd place) doing something with her right leg, and our heavenly balcony view.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking. We surely can imagine time flies! But you concentrate; we will wait patiently for your stories.
But Sjoerd, can you explain to us; what you are doing in these
make-up classes then;
we want to know everything precisely! ;)

And Sarah; to see her doing that 'something'-pose; for us almost impossible to do! Great!

(By the way; news from your homeland;..we have a new family-member since 25-4; Martine and Friso have a second daughter now: Quinty. Both are well)
Sjoerd; Regards weer en hou je taai; fam v Z Oud Gastel

Anonymous said...

sorry Sjoerd;

We have to correct our 1st comment....
had to be... ;D
- for us impossible to do!-


Anonymous said...

Hej Leuk van julie te horen! iedereen gefeliciteerd met onze nieuwe familie aanwinst ! make-up class is gewoon een yoga les, (per dag moeten we ons 4 keer inschrijven voor de activiteiten, als je er een van mist mag je in het weekend gewoon doorgaan met yoga, terwijl je liever even uit wil puffen, maar gelukkig ben ik dit weekend vrij!) Groet ! Sjoerd