Sunday, 20 April 2008

Having something doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it

Bikram started his lectures this week about Idian Mythology, Yoga, Life, Love, and Self-Realisation; handing out our flight scudule for the upcoming weeks. Converted to image, it looked a little something like this...

Since this is the inside core of the Piramid we're in, with room number 810 (make it 108) i'd say we're in pretty good alignment here ;D
He told us about the difference between the Eastern and Western world, Especially India; having nothing material but everything as spiritual beings vs. The Western world; Living in great material wealth but a poor spiritual life.
"Having something doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it" relates to this many opportunities and material wealth people in the Western world are blessed with, and at the same time have no clue how to live a fullfilling life, in harmony with spirit. In other words "How are you going to start a Cadillac with a Toyota key?"
Yoga is the answer, As Bikram received the mission from his guru Bishnu Gosh, to help people realize a state of union (yoga) in their lives and heal their bodies trough the form of Hatha Yoga (physical exercise), so are we handed down part of this mission to heal others in becoming Yoga teachers.

But first we have to heal ourselves... This week Ruben got sick on sunday having a stomach infection, then on monday i catched a cold which lasted the whole week. This' supposed to be pretty normal during training, every week has it's own character (complete with all sorts of physical, emotional and mental disturbances) As the physical and mental body is heated and challenged, all the stuff you've stored, holding back your energy, now has the opportunity to release itself. At itself a beautiful proces, but challengng indeed from time to time.

Emmy, Bikram's senior (82) teacher had the privilege to challenge us from monday till friday,
and in the end it turned out the privilege was all ours to receive her teachings. She's an amazing woman, surviving two concentration camps during the 2e World War, having loads of wisdom about body and mind and pain, you just have to have a lot of respect fo her. In her lectures and classes you could really feel all this knowlegde, not as pure knowledge but as knowlegde obtained by own experience, which is always most interesting to hear. And by the way her legs look like those of a 14 year old, i heard some women say the other day.

Yesterday evening we went to Acapulco city to have some dinner with all the Dutch people here, The original 6 people group has extended to 8 since there's Manon who lives in Australia and Gwendoline from Swiss. The total 300- group is getting closer every day, which is nice to experience, everyone's going trough a similar proces which automatically creates the opportunity to make contact very easy.


Jacqueline said...

Hi Sjoerd,
Nou, dit is toevallig! Wie weet herinner je me nog: ik heb les gehad bij Lydia van april 2006 tot april 2007, daarna ben ik geemigreerd naar Australie: Jacqueline Jansen. Ik ben hier ook met Bikram doorgegaan en ga naar de Fall Teacher Training op 14 september! Via een link op Facebook ben ik op je blog terecht gekomen, erg leuk om te lezen! Ik hoop dat alles goed gaat met je, wie weet zie ik je gauw weer in Nederland!
Sterkte, groetjes,

Anonymous said...

Hej Jaqueline, ik kan me iets van je herinneren al heb ik er niet direct een gezicht bij, leuk! ja de teacher training is zeker aan te raden!! Cool dat je je plannen al gemaakt hebt!! Erg gaaf om met zoveel mensen yoga te doen en in aanwezigheid van Bikram te kunnen zijn!) Wat ik je nu al aan kan raden is zo veel mogelijk yoga te doen en zo veel mogelijk dialog te leren van te voren!) Succes met alles, en misschien zie ik je nog eens !