Sunday, 25 May 2008

happy brithday dear ruben

Yesterday was Rubens birthday, and as we do to all people, a couple every week, we sang for him with all the 300 of us. Friday evening we went out for dinner with a group to celebrate. But actually i just wanted to show the fantastic picture i made of him yesterday, look at that !

Countdown has already begun for us here in Acapulco... they said it would happen to us at the very start of the training. ''You're gonna miss this training so much as soon as you get back'' Everyone was like yeah yeah.... But indeed there's only two weeks to go and i believe we all have the feeling of not wanting to rush through it that fast, but enjoy it while it lasts, even when times are still going to get rough. As Bikram returned from his short trip to Calcutta to bury his friend last weekend, he's now totally committed to fire us up at the last part of training.

The posture clinics are almost finished; most of us only have to do the last final spine twist on monday, so there'll be much space to be filled in by Bikram lectures and Bollywood movies. Actually this week we watched ''Jodha Akbar'' a new production of Indian history about the formation of India, how the two main religions (Hindu and Islam) came together through love. It's quite a ride, highly recommendable to everyone interested. A lot of dansing and singing throughout the scenes which is quite spectacular.

Furthermore a lot of teachers were here last weekend for the recreticfication (a teacher has to come back to training after a while for check up) including Zefea from Amsterdam and Susan from Texas who taught some classes in the the Hague studio. This sunday also our friend Martinus arrived here for the last two weeks of training, we picked him up from the airport as a surprise with the three of us (Ruben, me and Susan)

Staying such long time in the hotel, makes the best friends out of the hotelstaff here; our maid brings us flowers every week for our little altar, the girl at the computer centre is trying to teach us some spanish, and the waitresses at the restaurants greet us with openhearted kindness as we visit them every single day, they know our names too. Some of them even take class with us. It's real fun, in general the Mexian people whome i met all are truely warm friendly people.

So some of the people here below Elaine, from Korea living in Vancouver, Canada who really shows passion and joy in teaching as you can see below
And Emly who was told by Bikram not to cut here hair anymore, later i found out that she did that because she likes to wear a wig sometimes; She's from Los Angeles.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sjoerd, it's time we get back home since Maarten and Suzanne are already having dinner together. ... ;-) Keep it hot out there! I'm still surviving in 45 C Sudan! Luckily I'm allowed to turn the AC on when I'm sitting crosslegged in the office. Will be back in the Hague June 20th. Say Hi to Marinus. Miss you all.

Anonymous said...

Hej Petra,

ja, goed dat jullie elkaar trouw beloofd hebben ;-) Ik hoorde dat jullie boek mooi geworden is, ben benieuwd, tot snel in zomers nederland! en ik hoop dat je het naar je zin hebt in Sudan ! Sjoerd

Anonymous said...

Zooooooooooo Sjoerd,
mag jij even trots zijn op jezelf;
wij zijn het in ieder geval!!!!!!
Zomaar even uitgekozen door Bikram him-self voor Graduation-day!
Man wat ga jij goed!

Nou Sjoerd geniet tot het laatste moment; TIME FLIES, heej...
Afscheid zal wel zwaar zijn, maar er zijn gelukkig genoeg mogelijkheden om contact met elkaar te houden.
Wij wensen je een hele mooie afsluiting, een goeie thuisreis alvast en tot ziens weer in NL.
Dikke doei van ons allemaal uit Oud Gastel.

Anonymous said...

Hoi Sjoerd...ik doe het even op deze manier want ik kreeg het onderstaande berichtje naar Jenny niet op haar comment-posts gezet(10x geprobeerd)...misschien kan jij dit alsnog kopieren naar haar blog-comment?
(En....groot applaus gekregen na jullie demonstratie?)

Hi Jenny,
You don't know me...but
I am an interested aunt of Sjoerd Vink from Holland. I found your name on Ruben's blog, the other Dutch guy,
sharing the teachers-training at the same time as you. Probably you know them by now, (cause it looks like a big family to me)
Lovely boys...but for me, their blog tells to less of what they're doing right now in Mexico....
Therefor I want to thank YOU for the time you invested in making your blog so nice to read,
and for all your pictures, so we can follow you all better and we can imagine immediatly, (a little bit) what you all are going through these last weeks.
I have this feeling for you all (let Sjoerd or Ruben pronounce it in english for you; Ik neem mijn petje af voor jullie allemaal!!!! When I look at you all, I sometimes have a feeling I'm looking at artists from Cirque Du Soleil!
So strong, beautiful!
You all may be proud on what you achieved.
So thank you again for your stories Jenny.

Elly van Zundert
Oud Gastel, Holland.