Saturday, 17 May 2008


Next week the posture clinic wave is going to hit, and we'll probably finish it at end on friday. Because i still have a lot of studying to do before i'll just list some of the things that've being going on here.

- For me the toughest week so far, monday i was so sleepy i just nodded off with my eyes wide open, quite an experience. Then thuesday and wednesday i was justed totally cooked during classes, it's a challenge to do a Bikram yoga class when you feel like a soaking wet towel. I believe i prefer active participation over unconcious participation ;D. but at least the heat is getting all the bad stuff out for sure!

- The main thing happened this week was Rajashree lecturing us about the 26 postures, correct alingnment and their benefit. Actually the yoga set is built up in a way that is benefitial for all the systems in your body. Resperatory system (breathing, lungs), Circulatory (heart and lungs), Endocrine system (glands), Nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) etc.
Each posture has it particular focus on the different parts of the body. By compressing and streching, you cut of the blood and energy supply in a particalar part to let it flush through shortly after, taking away all the stuff that might have got rusted in there over to years. And it feels good too !

- A real funny contrasty situation here, this week the Botox company has landed in the hotel for some conventions or group injections i don't know. These sigar smoking surgeons/businessmen with the pumped up young women around them, some sweaty yogi's running around crossing each other, Inside Out. I only wished they invited Bikram to speak at their dinnerparties ;D

- The whole group is becoming like one family more and more. The yoga automatically creates a band beacuse of it's intensity, it's opening people up, major differences seem to be clearing out, like the really shy or popular person merge into the same equally minded group. It's a beautiful thing to be a part of.

- Still the same balcony view
- We're getting stonger and stronger, This is Kasper and Tori who are both in my group. So funny, i made this picture, they started standing like this, and it turned out to look like a power drink commercial or something like that. i guess it's the yoga...

- Below a peak of the yoga room, before class; doing class twice a day with so many people in one room still is a special thing. In the left back there's the podium where the teacher stands, and the comfi couch/chair only Bikram sits in, drinking his ginger tea out of an orange cup.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sjoerd!
Looks like things are going pretty well at Teacher Training! I have enjoyed reading all the blogs.Love the pictures.....So glad you and Kasper and Huub are there!
Cannot wait to see you in San Francisco after training.
All my love and sooo proud of all of you...
Mary E Jarvis,
Global Yoga,San Francisco

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary!

Thank you ! Everything is going really well indeed, halfway finished through week 7 so we're over the big yogahump, The location and everything is a hit and the training very intense, it goes by faster then i have could have imagined it to be...
this week we might finish posture clinics... so see you real soon

Warm Greets !

Unknown said...

Soooo glad you are there!
xoxoxx mary